A Day In The Life Of A Yorkie: Exploring Their Routine

Imagine waking up every morning to the warm, wagging tail of your beloved Yorkshire Terrier, ready to take on the day together. In this article, we take a closer look into the fascinating and adorable world of Yorkies, uncovering the intricacies of their daily routines. From morning cuddles to afternoon playtime and cozy bedtime rituals, join us as we explore the enchanting life of these pint-sized pooches.

Morning Routine

Wake-up Time

When you have a Yorkie, mornings are never dull. Your little furball is an early riser, and it’s no surprise that they expect you to be up and ready to start the day with them. You’ll quickly find that the snooze button is no longer an option once you bring a Yorkie into your life. So, set your alarm for their preferred wake-up time, and be prepared to give them the attention they crave bright and early!

Bathroom Break

After a long night of sleep, your Yorkie will need to relieve themselves as soon as they wake up. Take them outside or to their designated potty area and give them a chance to do their business. Yorkies are intelligent and can be easily house-trained, so be consistent with their bathroom breaks to avoid any accidents in the house.


Breakfast time is an exciting event for your Yorkie. These little dogs love their food, and their appetite is voracious. Choose a high-quality, balanced dog food specifically formulated for small breeds like Yorkies. Divide their daily food allowance into two meals, one in the morning and the other in the evening, to make sure they maintain a healthy weight and digestion.


Yorkies may be small, but they have a big bundle of energy to burn off! After breakfast, it’s time to get moving. Take your Yorkie for a brisk walk or engage in some active playtime. They love chasing after toys, so throw their favorite ball or engage them in a game of tug-of-war. Ensuring they get regular exercise not only keeps them physically fit but also helps prevent behavioral issues that can arise from pent-up energy.



Yorkies have a luxurious coat that requires regular brushing to keep it free from tangles and mats. Grab a slicker brush and gently work through their hair, starting from the roots to the ends. Take your time and be gentle, as their hair is delicate. Regular brushing not only keeps them looking their best but also helps distribute their natural oils for a healthy coat.


While Yorkies are known for their stunning coats, they can easily get dirty and attract debris. Generally, a bath every few weeks is sufficient to keep them clean. Use a gentle dog shampoo specifically formulated for Yorkies or small breeds. Be careful not to get water in their ears, as this can lead to infections. After their bath, make sure to thoroughly dry them, especially around their ears and paws.

Nail Trimming

Yorkies have dainty little paws that require regular nail trimming. Use a small, sharp, and dog-friendly nail trimmer to carefully trim their nails. Take care not to cut too close to the quick, which can cause bleeding and discomfort. If you’re unsure about trimming their nails, consider taking them to a professional groomer who can do it for you.

Teeth Cleaning

Oral hygiene is essential for Yorkies, as they are prone to dental issues. Get a dog-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste made specifically for dogs. Gently brush their teeth in a circular motion, focusing on the gum line. Start slowly and gradually increase the duration of each brushing session. Regular teeth cleanings help prevent dental diseases and ensure your Yorkie maintains a healthy and happy smile.


Toys and Games

Yorkies are playful little creatures, and they absolutely adore their toys. From squeaky plushies to interactive puzzle toys, there is a wide variety to choose from. Experiment with different textures and sounds to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated.

Interactive Play

Engaging in interactive playtime with your Yorkie is both fun and beneficial for their overall well-being. Grab a lightweight toy or a rope and let the playtime begin! Toss the toy for them to fetch or engage in a gentle game of tug-of-war. This not only strengthens your bond but also provides your Yorkie with the mental stimulation they need to stay sharp.


Yorkies are social butterflies and enjoy the company of both humans and other dogs. Make sure to set aside time each day for socialization. Take them on playdates with other friendly dogs, introduce them to new people, and let them experience different environments. This helps prevent shy or timid behavior and ensures that your Yorkie grows up to be a well-rounded companion.


Basic Commands

Training your Yorkie in basic commands not only enhances their mental acuity but also strengthens the bond between you two. Start with simple commands like sit, stay, and come. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise to reward good behavior. Patience and consistency are key when it comes to training your Yorkie.

House Training

House training can be a bit challenging with Yorkies, but with patience and consistency, it can be achieved. Designate a specific area for them to do their business and take them there regularly throughout the day. Praise them and give them a treat when they go in the correct spot. It’s important to avoid scolding or punishing them for accidents, as this can hinder their progress.

Leash Training

Taking your Yorkie for walks is not just a great way to provide exercise, but also an opportunity for training. Start with short walks and gradually increase the duration. Teach your Yorkie to walk politely on a leash without pulling or tugging. Use positive reinforcement and reward them with treats when they walk nicely by your side. Be patient, as it may take some time for them to master leash walking.

Afternoon Nap

Napping Spot

After a morning full of activity, your Yorkie will likely need some downtime. Set up a cozy and comfortable napping spot where they can unwind and relax. It could be a soft dog bed or a favorite blanket. Yorkies love warmth, so consider placing their napping spot in an area with natural sunlight or near a heating source, especially during colder months.

Sleep Duration

Like us, Yorkies need their beauty sleep. On average, they require around 14 to 16 hours of sleep per day. Allow them to nap for a few hours in the afternoon, providing them with the opportunity to recharge their little batteries. Make sure to respect their sleeping time and avoid disturbing them unnecessarily.

Evening Routine

Dinner Time

Just like breakfast, dinner time is another eagerly anticipated event for your Yorkie. Feed them their evening meal, making sure to stick to their regular feeding schedule. Avoid feeding them right before bedtime to prevent any digestive issues. Remember to choose high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs.

Walk or Outdoor Time

Before settling down for the night, take your Yorkie for an evening walk or spend some time in the yard. This not only provides them with exercise and a chance to relieve themselves but also helps tire them out for a restful night’s sleep. Pay attention to their behavior during outdoor time to ensure their safety, especially if you live in an area with potential hazards.

Bonding Time

Bonding with your Yorkie is an essential part of their evening routine. Set aside some dedicated one-on-one time to cuddle, pet, and show them affection. Yorkies thrive on human companionship and enjoy being a part of your daily activities. Whether it’s watching TV together or simply relaxing on the couch, cherish these moments and let your Yorkie know how much they mean to you.


Veterinary Check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for the overall health and well-being of your Yorkie. Schedule routine visits with a trusted veterinarian to ensure any potential health issues are caught early. They will perform a thorough examination, administer necessary vaccinations, and provide advice on preventative care tailored specifically for your Yorkie’s breed.


Vaccinations play a significant role in protecting your Yorkie from various diseases. Follow your veterinarian’s recommended vaccination schedule to ensure they receive all the necessary shots. Vaccinations not only protect your Yorkie but also contribute to the overall health and safety of the community.

Parasite Prevention

Yorkies are susceptible to parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms. Make sure to establish a regular preventive regimen recommended by your veterinarian. Administer flea and tick prevention treatments as prescribed and use monthly heartworm preventives. Regularly check your Yorkie’s fur and skin for any signs of parasites, and promptly address any concerns.

Bedtime Routine

Last Bathroom Break

Before bedtime, take your Yorkie for one last bathroom break. Just like in the morning routine, give them the opportunity to relieve themselves before settling down for the night. This helps prevent any accidents during the night and ensures a comfortable and uninterrupted sleep for both you and your pup.

Comfortable Sleeping Area

Create a cozy and comfortable sleeping area for your Yorkie to ensure a restful night’s sleep. Choose a dog bed that provides adequate support and cushioning for their joints. Consider their preferences for warmth and find a suitable spot in your home where they can sleep undisturbed.

Bedtime Rituals

Establishing bedtime rituals can help signal to your Yorkie that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. This could include a gentle brushing session, a short walk outside, or a calming massage. Find activities that your Yorkie enjoys and incorporate them into their evening routine to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere before bedtime.


Car Rides

Yorkies can make excellent travel companions, whether you’re going on a short road trip or a vacation. However, it’s essential to ensure their safety and comfort during car rides. Invest in a secure and comfortable travel crate or a dog safety harness to keep them protected while on the road. Make frequent stops for bathroom breaks and allow them some time to stretch their legs.

On-the-go Essentials

When traveling with your Yorkie, pack a travel bag with all their essential items. This should include food, treats, water, collapsible bowls, waste bags, favorite toys, a leash, a pet first aid kit, and any medications they may require. Being prepared ensures that your Yorkie remains happy and comfortable throughout your journey.

Destination Exploration

Exploring new destinations with your Yorkie can be an exciting experience for both of you. Research pet-friendly places and activities at your destination to ensure there are ample opportunities for them to enjoy. Whether it’s visiting a dog-friendly beach or exploring nature trails, involve your Yorkie in your adventures and create lasting memories together.

Special Occasions

Birthdays and Celebrations

Just like us, Yorkies deserve to be celebrated on their special day. Celebrate their birthday with a dog-friendly cake or special treats, and perhaps some new toys or accessories. You can also invite their furry friends over for a small birthday party to make it even more memorable.

Yorkie-Specific Events

Yorkie enthusiasts often organize events specifically for this breed. Keep an eye out for Yorkie-specific gatherings, such as meetups or dog shows, in your area. These events provide an excellent opportunity for your Yorkie to socialize and bond with other furry friends while showcasing their unique breed qualities.

Holiday Traditions

Include your Yorkie in your holiday traditions to make the festivities even more enjoyable. Dress them up in a festive outfit, hang stockings for them filled with dog treats and toys, and let them join in on family activities. Yorkies are social creatures and will love being part of the holiday fun!

Whether it’s waking up together in the morning, going on adventures, or winding down for a cozy evening, a day in the life of a Yorkie is all about love, care, and companionship. By following their routine and understanding their specific needs, you can ensure that your Yorkie lives a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life as your beloved furry family member.

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