Can Yorkies Be Left Alone During The Day?

Wondering if your Yorkie can be left alone during the day? Well, the short answer is yes, but as with any dog, it requires some careful consideration and preparation. Yorkies are known for their small size and big personalities, and while they may be independent, they still need companionship and mental stimulation.

Leaving your Yorkie alone for extended periods of time can result in separation anxiety and destructive behavior. However, with the right training and environment, your furry friend can handle being alone during the day. In this article, we will delve into what you need to know to ensure your Yorkie stays happy and content while you’re away.

So, whether you work full-time or have other commitments, don’t fret! We’ll provide you with tips and tricks to keep your Yorkie entertained and comfortable when you can’t be there with them. From creating a safe space to keeping them mentally stimulated, we’ve got you covered. So, read on to learn more about how to set your Yorkie up for successful alone time during the day.

Can Yorkies Be Left Alone During The Day?

The Behavior of Yorkies

Yorkies are known for their separation anxiety

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are a small toy breed that is well-known for their lively and affectionate nature. However, one common behavioral trait that many Yorkie owners encounter is separation anxiety. Yorkies are extremely attached to their owners and can become anxious or distressed when left alone for extended periods of time.

Yorkies may develop destructive behavior when left alone

When a Yorkie experiences separation anxiety, it can manifest in various ways, including destructive behavior. Some Yorkies may resort to chewing furniture, shoes, or other household items as a way to relieve their anxiety. Others may engage in excessive barking, digging, or even urinating or defecating in inappropriate places.

Understanding the temperament of Yorkies

To address the question of whether Yorkies can be left alone during the day, it is important to understand their temperament. Yorkies thrive on human companionship and are highly social animals. They have a strong need to be near their owners and may suffer from loneliness and anxiety when left alone for long periods.

Factors to Consider

Age of the Yorkie

The age of your Yorkie plays a significant role in determining whether they can be left alone during the day. Puppies, especially those under six months old, require constant attention and care. They have not yet developed the necessary bladder control and may not be able to hold their bladder for long periods. Leaving a young Yorkie alone for a full workday may not be feasible or fair to the puppy.

Health and Wellness of the Yorkie

The health and overall well-being of your Yorkie should also be considered before leaving them alone for an extended period. If your Yorkie has any underlying health issues or is prone to anxiety, being left alone for long periods may exacerbate these conditions and lead to added stress and discomfort.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Yorkies are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and mental stimulation. Before leaving your Yorkie alone, it is essential to provide them with sufficient physical activity and mental engagement. A tired and mentally stimulated Yorkie is more likely to rest or engage in less destructive behavior while you are away.

Creating a Safe Environment

Providing a comfortable and secure space for the Yorkie

When leaving your Yorkie alone, it is crucial to create a safe and comfortable environment for them. Set up a designated area in your home where your Yorkie can stay while you are away. Make sure the area is warm, well-ventilated, and free from any potential hazards or items that your Yorkie could chew on or ingest.

Using crates or playpens for confinement

Using a crate or playpen can be an effective way to confine your Yorkie while you are away. Yorkies are den animals by nature and often feel secure in enclosed spaces. However, it is important to introduce the crate or playpen gradually and ensure it is associated with positive experiences, such as treats and toys, to prevent any negative associations.

Ensuring the area is free from hazards

Before leaving your Yorkie alone, thoroughly inspect the designated area for any potential hazards. Remove any toxic plants, chemicals, or small objects that could pose a choking hazard. Secure loose cables or wires that your Yorkie could chew on. By eliminating potential dangers, you can reduce the risk of accidents or injuries while you are away.

Can Yorkies Be Left Alone During The Day?

Establishing a Routine

Setting a consistent daily schedule

To help ease your Yorkie’s anxiety and provide them with a sense of stability, establish a consistent daily routine. Feed your Yorkie at the same times each day and take them for regular walks or play sessions. By sticking to a predictable schedule, your Yorkie will feel more at ease and know what to expect when you are not around.

Leaving interactive toys and puzzles for mental stimulation

To keep your Yorkie mentally stimulated and occupied while you are away, provide them with interactive toys and puzzles. These toys can help keep their minds engaged and prevent boredom, reducing the likelihood of destructive behavior. Look for toys that dispense treats or require problem-solving skills to keep your Yorkie entertained for longer periods.

Creating a calm departure and arrival routine

When leaving your Yorkie alone, it is important to establish a calm departure and arrival routine. Avoid making a big fuss or showing excessive emotions when leaving or returning home, as this can increase your Yorkie’s anxiety. Instead, calmly say goodbye or greet your Yorkie and then proceed with your departure or arrival activities.

Socialization and Training

Properly socializing the Yorkie from a young age

Socialization is crucial for all dogs, including Yorkies. When properly socialized from a young age, Yorkies learn to adapt to different environments and become more comfortable being alone. Introduce your Yorkie to a variety of people, animals, and situations, gradually increasing the duration of time they spend separated from you.

Training the Yorkie to adapt to being alone

Training your Yorkie to adapt to being alone is a gradual process. Start by leaving your Yorkie alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration over time. Reward your Yorkie with treats and praise for remaining calm and not exhibiting any destructive behavior. This positive reinforcement will help your Yorkie associate being alone with positive experiences.

Seeking professional help if needed

If your Yorkie continues to struggle with being left alone despite your efforts, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a veterinarian or professional dog trainer. They can provide specific guidance tailored to your Yorkie’s needs and help address any underlying issues contributing to their separation anxiety.

Hiring a Dog Sitter or Walker

Benefits of hiring a dog sitter or walker

If you are concerned about leaving your Yorkie alone during the day, hiring a dog sitter or walker can be a suitable solution. A dog sitter can provide companionship, attention, and exercise for your Yorkie while you are at work. Alternatively, a dog walker can take your Yorkie for regular walks to ensure they get the physical activity they need.

Finding a reliable and trustworthy person

When hiring a dog sitter or walker, it is crucial to find someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and experienced with small breeds like Yorkies. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your veterinarian. Conduct interviews and background checks to ensure the person you choose is qualified to take care of your Yorkie.

Determining the right frequency of visits

The frequency of visits from a dog sitter or walker will depend on your Yorkie’s needs and your schedule. Consider factors such as your Yorkie’s age, energy level, and ability to hold their bladder. Younger and more active Yorkies may require more frequent visits, while older or more independent Yorkies may be able to manage with fewer visits.

Utilizing Pet Cameras and Devices

Monitoring the Yorkie remotely through pet cameras

Pet cameras have become increasingly popular and allow you to monitor your Yorkie remotely through a smartphone or computer. These cameras provide real-time video feed and may even offer two-way audio communication. While pet cameras can provide peace of mind, it is important not to rely solely on them and ensure your Yorkie’s well-being through other means as well.

Using interactive devices to keep the Yorkie engaged

In addition to pet cameras, interactive devices such as treat-dispensing toys or puzzle feeders can help keep your Yorkie engaged and entertained while you are away. These devices provide mental stimulation and can help distract your Yorkie from any separation anxiety they may be experiencing.

Pros and cons of this technology

While pet cameras and interactive devices can be beneficial for monitoring and engaging with your Yorkie while you are away, there are both pros and cons to consider. On the positive side, these technologies can provide peace of mind and keep your Yorkie mentally stimulated. However, they should not replace the human interaction and care that your Yorkie needs on a daily basis.

Consideration for Working Professionals

Alternative options for working professionals

For working professionals who are concerned about leaving their Yorkies alone during the day, alternative options may be considered. Exploring options such as doggy daycares or dog-friendly workplaces can provide an environment where your Yorkie can interact and socialize with other dogs and humans. This can help alleviate their separation anxiety and provide them with much-needed socialization.

Exploring doggy daycares or dog-friendly workplaces

Doggy daycares provide a safe and supervised environment for dogs to play and interact with other canines. Look for reputable daycares that have well-trained staff and appropriate facilities for small breeds like Yorkies. If your workplace allows dogs, consider bringing your Yorkie with you to work, as this can provide them with companionship and reduce their time spent alone.

Balancing work and Yorkie’s needs

Finding a balance between work and your Yorkie’s needs is essential. While work is important, it is equally important to provide your Yorkie with the attention, care, and exercise they require. Incorporate regular walks or playtime into your daily routine and make an effort to spend quality time with your Yorkie when you are home.

Separation Anxiety in Yorkies

Identifying signs of separation anxiety

To determine if your Yorkie is experiencing separation anxiety, it is crucial to be aware of the signs. Some common signs of separation anxiety in Yorkies include excessive barking or howling, destructive behavior, pacing or restlessness, or displaying signs of distress when you are preparing to leave. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to address the issue and help alleviate your Yorkie’s anxiety.

Techniques to help alleviate separation anxiety

There are several techniques that can help alleviate separation anxiety in Yorkies. Gradual desensitization, where you gradually increase the duration of time your Yorkie spends alone, can be effective. Providing your Yorkie with a safe and comfortable space, interactive toys, and leaving clothing with your scent can also help soothe their anxiety. Additionally, anti-anxiety medications or natural supplements may be recommended under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Consulting with a veterinarian or professional trainer

If your Yorkie’s separation anxiety is severe or persistent, it is advisable to seek professional help. A veterinarian or professional dog trainer can provide guidance tailored to your Yorkie’s specific needs and recommend appropriate treatment options. They can also help identify any underlying medical or behavioral issues that may be contributing to their separation anxiety.


Yorkies are loving and loyal companions that can be left alone during the day with proper care and considerations. By understanding their behavior, providing a safe environment, establishing a routine, and addressing their separation anxiety, you can ensure their well-being while you are away. Whether through hiring a dog sitter, utilizing pet cameras, or exploring doggy daycares, there are various options available for working professionals. Ultimately, creating a balanced and loving environment is key to ensuring your Yorkie’s happiness, even when you are not able to be with them.

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